There's a little backtracking I need to do before updates will be ready, so hang tight for a little longer, everyone.
The biggest issue is the format of the Pokédex pages, but it's not really something you will drastically notice. Sad to say, for some reason I never used actual tables in Microsoft Word when creating the pages. Instead, like an idiot I placed a bunch of loose textboxes everywhere to act as tables, but the end result was never that great - not all the boxes lined up right, all the type sprites had to be manually scooted around, and my computer overall (being an old one) was choking to keep up with my demands. For the life of me I can't remember what was going through my head.
So, in short, I'm using actual tables instead of text boxes to sort all the information. Problem is, this is going to take a while to copy over all the data, as once more I have to manually punch in all the information. The result will be very minor, but it may lower the filesize of each Pokédex entry.
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