All the Information you Need

Compare a Pokémon's moves side-by-side with the rest of its evolutionary family - including Egg and version-exclusive moves from all the games.


Don't know how an attack, item, or ability works? Consult Pocket Monstrosity's Indexes for precise definitions explaining their effects in-depth. Contest move details from Hoenn and Sinnoh are also available.

Monster Analysis

Pocket Monstrosity also has a tumblr blog where you can read the author's notes and observations on battle strategies for select Pokémon. Your feedback can build upon the blog!

January 28, 2012

Project Notes: indexes, animated banner?

Hey everyone, just here to let you know of progress and thoughts with the Pocket Monstrosity Project.

I've been recently halting production of the Pokémon pages and instead working on the indexes - namely, the Generation V attacks and Contest moves (from the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions). It's a lot of work, I won't lie. Right now, the last term written is Cotton Guard, so I have a LONG ways to go. But I shall press on, for it's incredibly important to have the indexes on hand while looking at the other information for this guide. The Attacks index won't be available until it's finished though. But I wanted to let you know why I haven't churned out Sandshrew's family info yet.

It's also crossed my mind how I need to better advertise the pages to the PM guide. All the files are in PDF format, so you won't get to actually see them until after you've downloaded - but that's only after you wait 20 seconds from the external filesharing site to allow you to download the file at the slowest speed possible for free. That's quite a while to wait and see if you're interested in a product.

Perhaps, then, I shall make the banner at the top of this blog animated? Think about it - it'll be able to cycle through the sample images automatically, right at the top of the blog. BANG, you get to preview the product in like two seconds. While a sample image is up, if you click it, you'll either see the fullsize preview image, or go directly to the download page the sample image is showing.

I should try it out sometime. In the meantime, I hope my interactive Flash menu is helping you find what you need.

January 18, 2012

UPDATES: New Pages + New Pokédex Menu!

School's got me occupied as usual, but I've managed to do some important updates.

Just added to the Pocket Monstrosity dex: Pidgey through Pikachu's evolutionary family!

Plus, I've made the Pokédex menu page much more interesting than the former messy layout. I have now implemented an interactive Flash that contains the external links to the files you're searching for. It's very easy to use - take a poke at it! Let me know what you think about it!

Well, that's all the time I have for this update! I need to go get some shuteye!

January 2, 2012

You know, I've realized that it's a little silly for the print out guide to be the main selling point here at Pocket Monstrosity. I may not be able to program the smartphone app right away, but I do know I could easily make an interactive version on Flash in the meantime.

The Flash version would have a similar layout like the printable version. Then, if you're looking at say the level-up attacks of one Pokémon and want to print out the information, you can press a button on the Flash version that links you to the print out version!

My only dillemma is where I can store this Flash file for easy access. It'd be even better to embed it in this blog. (is that possible?)

EDIT: I just found out that yes, you can embed a Flash file using HTML. This means I can put the Flash file right here in my blog! I'm going to work with it right now! :)